Sing sang SONG!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

memories replay.

HI people, am here to replay some memories today ;D
from F1 to F4 which is now,
A very long post.
My all perasan pic..
Remind you to leave if u're super full now..
Or take one plastic bag,
Ready to puke! XD
Tats my memories,
Days which I've grown up
Which I wish to share with you all (:
See the difference on it..

Form one.
The childish look..
And the most original look..
I miss it (:
And this reminded my of my first love..
Tats naive and cute X)

Find out some tat you recognize here XD

we look pure and ORIGINAL.. (:

Bunch of dao gei..
Everyone changes so much here rite? x)
best ji mui last time..
the date..
22 of May 2007.
1 Cempaka (:

whole class involved in choir..
And tats how we looked tat time..
Guys were running around when teacher wanna put lipstick on their lips? x)

The girls (:
1 Cempaka sweet memories (:

Choir :)
Some of the guys were SO FREAKING SHORT..
They growed taller and mature..
Click to zoom in.

Learn diabolo tat time..
Isit diabolo?
Lol, or tats Chinese yoyo ?XD
Find out which is me XD
The cutest one X)

And this is all when I was in Form 2 :)
No longer the dao gei fringe in Form 1,
They call it as '' san tiao mao '' XD
But still with childish look rite x)

100% original. :D

now i'm even taller ):
And the vest no longer suits me D:

taken on tis year..
look at the previous pic,
check out wats the difference..

look at chi hao! XD
Everyone looks cute and ORIGINAL tat time XD

jie muis hold a bday party in school for me last time..
Tat was only the only ONE year which my bday was not in holiday..
Shes my Min li, my jie mui last time..
Poor thing,
She had leave us to another school (:

one of my favourite pic last time. (:

do i look like a malay? XD
a fair malay xP
i did tat for fun seriously.

I did love editing picture when I was in Form 2..
But now,
Original might be better (:
And I oso remember,
I'm addicted to L change the word..
The character, L..
Love his pose, and even got a bag who hav a L on it..
why am I so in love with him?
Some of you noe tat.
But its already a past :)

Form 3..
Says goodBYE to my curly hair..
Straightened my hair tat time :)

seriously disliking my previos hair..

after rebonding XD

taken on this year's CNY..
don see my face,
do see how long is my previous STRAIGHT hair
i miss it so much.

love tis. :D

straight hair!

long hair!

Phantom of the Opera..
Qui Han the phantom bside me..
I'm not Raul,
I'm just acting a male dancer..
Do I looked handsome? XD

i looked mature they said.

taken after PMR..
when celebrating my dear's bday XD

Kwok tat Hong..
Hes taller den me last time..
Although I bend down in this pic..
But now,
It prooved last week.
Im taller NOW.
sad sad case D':

And now,
I'm form 4..
Hair's getting longer and longer..
Until I cut it..
seriously sad case.


i look ugly.
but see how long is my hair! D:

CNY tis year :)
very super absolutely loving my straight hair last time..

mom complains tat my hair was too long,
and my bro even hurt me tat i looks sucks with the long hair.
so i cut it..
says bye to my straight hair den.
is BYE to 120+ for the rebonding payment =.=


silly smile

VERY HOT Pic after cutting my hair. =.=


fringe is still long for me..
and silly me,
I cut it..
And it looks sucks having curly fringe =.=

am afraid of piano currently D:

oh ya,
can see the scar bside?
havent disappear yet..
cz i lazy to put the ubat on it XD

for a super tall girl,
tats will b sounds nicer if im pretty =.=
no cute pls. D:

taken few days ago (:

cut tat day, take pic tat day..
tats wad I mean HOT. :)


Future me,
With curly hair may be?
I dono (:
Will decide after graduating (:

back from cousin's wedding..
Thanks cousin for setting up my hair XD

Love tis :)

or still the dao gei looks? ><

Sorry for frens which I didn't mention here..
You know who you are for me..
Tats too much of pics I have to post..
My life is tat colourful because of you all..
F1 to F3 jiemuis,
Separate and separate..
And now for me,
Tats only Teng. :(
We're not longer close.. D:
But for me,
3 Cempaka was my everything after PMR too (:
Still same friend-ing..
But if we are not prefect..
We wont be tat fren anymore rite? ):
4 Anggerik,
You will be part of my life until I graduate..
You all are awesome,
Absolutely awesome..
I'm happy being with you all.. (:

Time flew very fast.
We're Form 4 now..
Viewing back the pics,
Almost make me cry..
I missed the memories..
Appreciating everyday,
Before I head to SPM..
And graduate nx year....

I seriously need comment for this post..
Please :D

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